This project is a coordinated set of seven experimental and analytical platforms focused on environmental quality monitoring and sustainable management of natural resources (soil, subsurface, surface water, groundwater, sediment and air) within a context of global change (increased anthropogenic pressure and climate change).
The innovation through PIVOTS will be founded on an integrated approach based on excellent research by academic and industrial experts together at all stages of the value chain, from fundamental research to validation of products and services.
The Journal of Environmental Sciences is an international journal started in 1989. The journal is devoted to publish original, peer-reviewed research papers on main aspects of environmental sciences, such as environmental chemistry, environmental biology, ecology, geosciences and environmental physics.
The ’MARSU’ RISE Exchange Network is a multi-site program carried by 4 Member States (MS) partner institutions (three from the academic sector and one from the non-academic sector) and six Third Countries (TC) institutions from South America, Africa and Asia. MARSU is a collaborative effort with the goal of gaining new knowledge and reducing the uncertainty about the effect of aerosols deriving from the air-sea exchange on climate and atmospheric composition. The results from this key interdisciplinary project will have impact on current and future industrial and legislative developments.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 690958
L’Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers en région Centre (OSUC), composante de l’Université d’Orléans, regroupe les scientifiques impliqués dans le domaine des Sciences de la Terre, de l’Atmosphère et de l’Espace en région Centre.
For more than 40 years, Chromatotec Group provides a full range of automatic gas chromatograph (autoGC) for online monitoring. These innovative analyzers are 100% made in France and allow to track ppt/ppb/ppm and % concentration levels.
Thousand Talents Program PM2.5 Special Expert Control Team
FPI measures gas, air, dust and water, is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of analytical instrumentation for industrial process and environmental monitoring.
To strengthen the environmental monitoring and process analytics industry in China.
We are committed to focusing on the world’s environmental challenges. Our goal is to constantly develop our green technologies and to provide the best quality products and solutions to our customers.