
The programme is on line HERE!


VISITS of PIVOTS's platforms:

After a general presentation of the PIVOTS programme and these differnets platforms on Monday morning by C. MOUVET, you could visit four of them wednesday morning:

PRAT : Atmospheric reactivity studies platform : visit of HELIOS, the atmospheric simulation chamber with natural irradiation of Orleans and the VOLTAIRE super-site (CNRS site).

PESAt: Platform on the Exchanges of GHG between Soils and the Atmosphere in peatland: visit of the experiment simulating an increase of the air temperatures and a water table drawdown (CNRS site).

PRIME: Visit of the BRGM Hall where PRIME is being built:  description of the future Platforms and presentation of some already active experimental set-ups (BRGM site).

DECAP: Sensors development and depollution process for water monitoring: visit of the platform in ICMN laboratory, with a focus on the development of inovative solutions for the detection and the remediation of micropollutants in natural and waste waters (CNRS site).

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